Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bonjour from B.C.!


We have arrived at beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia in Canada!

Amanda has done a LOT of head shaking this trip...

Garrett does impressions. And there is a LOT of French influence here which leaves him with no shortage of material to work with. Everything is written with French subtitles.  ....which Garrett interprets for us in his "I'm a Jolly Frenchman" voice... which coincidentally sounds like a homosexual leprechan with a frog in its throat. (Insert: Amanda's Shaking Head...) There will be many shared SMH moments this trip, I'm sure.

We have also discovered a lot of NATURE here. (We have decided that if Hawaii and Colorado got together and had a baby it would be Vancouver Island.) Mountains, pine trees, beach, and TONS of flowers. Bald eagles everywhere, and unfortunately no moose-sightings yet. However, there is a hot tub right on the water, so a whale sighting is not completely ruled out at this point. Just kidding. (Are you shaking your head?)

We are definately in danger of coming home as big as whales, that's for sure! There are a TON of breweries and wineries here... This morning, many folks were having a morning lager with their breakfast (a custom that I'm sure would catch on in the states if more people visited here). The food is INCREDIBLE. Every meal is a work of art! Last night's dinner consisted of fire-roasted wild-caught fresh salmon, fresh garlic mussels, seafood chowder, and fresh bread with a white-bean garlic hummus spread. Oh. Have. Mercy.

Quick side trip: I seriously just heard one of the guys say this:
"...and it looks like Jesus, in armor, don't make me hit you with my Jesus hammer."
(OK, everybody... shake your head.)

Headed into town to go pick up Adam & Adi, so.... Au Revoir!

The Jolly Frenchman visits McDonalds

"What does this say???"

Happy Garrett at a brewpub in the SeaTac airport :)


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